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Background Study in each country

A comprehensive Background Study will be conducted in each participating country, leveraging the knowledge of our partners and tapping into the Stakeholders Network for additional insights. This study will serve as the foundation for the subsequent Benchmarking Study and the development of our training program for workers.

Benchmarking Study

This study will consolidate the findings from the individual Background Studies, providing a comprehensive snapshot of the bivalve molluscs aquaculture sector across all five countries. It will identify existing needs, skill gaps, and overall sector status, derived from data collected at both local and transnational levels. The Benchmarking Study will serve as a vital resource for understanding sector dynamics and shaping future development strategies.

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Bibliographic Study on the Environmental Impact and Ecosystem Services of Molluscs Aquaculture

This study aims to enhance understanding of the environmental impact and ecosystem services associated with molluscs aquaculture. It will draw upon available databases, scientific literature, and press releases to explore key aspects.

Training Program for Mentors

This program will equip mentors with digital tutoring skills for effective online communication and information exchange. Key topics include:

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Communication Platforms

Using Zoom, Meet, and Teams for virtual classrooms.

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Online Training

Conducting courses efficiently in virtual settings.

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Data Sharing

Utilizing G-Drives and M-Teams for resource sharing.


Managing schedules with Google Calendar and Doodle.

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Document Exchange

Sharing materials via WeTransfer for seamless collaboration.

Training Program for Workers

This program targets entrepreneurs and workers in the molluscs aquaculture sector, focusing on the following expected outcomes:

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Understanding International Aquaculture Practices:

Familiarity with farming techniques, species, market conditions, and innovative environmental solutions across different countries.

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Quality and Organic Certification Benefits:

Awareness of quality and organic certifications to enhance production quality, food safety, and environmental sustainability.

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Adoption of Efficient and Eco-Friendly Production Techniques:

Learning new techniques for sustainable and efficient production.

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Environmental Impact Awareness:

Understanding the environmental impact of molluscs aquaculture.

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Ecosystem Services:

Recognizing the ecosystem services provided by molluscs aquaculture.

Video on molluscs aquaculture good practices in each country and final video

This initiative involves creating five videos, each showcasing molluscs aquaculture practices in a specific country, culminating in a final comprehensive video. Key features of these videos include:


Local Insight

Highlighting the unique characteristics and practices of shellfish aquaculture in each country.



Ensuring ease of understanding for viewers.


Informative Content

Providing comprehensive information in a user-friendly manner.


Device Compatibility

Ensuring compatibility across various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and PCs.

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Web platform

The project’s web platform will serve as a central hub for accessing training courses and videos related to molluscs aquaculture. It will be accessible to all interested individuals through the project’s website.

Pilots of training program

The objective of the pilot tests is to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program designed to assist mentors in acquiring the necessary competencies for delivering online training courses using available digital technologies. These pilot sessions will be conducted in each country and structured to assess the learning units based on the specific skills gap identified within the local mentors’ community. Each partner responsible for organizing the pilot will be tasked with testing at least two learning units. Subsequently, all pilot sessions will undergo evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the proposed training program in terms of content, methodology, and pedagogical approach.

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Social media accounts

The project will maintain active social media accounts, in addition to the project website, for at least five years after the project’s completion. These platforms will be utilized to share project-related content, updates, and other relevant information

Four multiplier events in Italy, Spain, Ireland, and Greece

These events are designed to inform stakeholders about the project’s progress and outcomes. Each event will host either 35 local participants or 60 European participants, who will provide valuable feedback on the project’s results. Partner organizations will carefully evaluate this feedback to enhance the training courses based on the insights gained.

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Final Conference in France

This event aims to showcase the project’s results, discuss the implemented activities, and share the project experience with a broader audience.